Monday, June 6, 2011

Skanky Shower Head Project

As I was taking a shower yesterday, I glanced up to see a horrifying sight!  Stalactites growing from the little nubbins on my shower head!  Eeeeeek!  We have the hardest water known to man, I swear!  As soon as I finished, I took that little guy off and ran upstairs to do some damage control.  Here's what it looked like....
Ewwwwwwww, right?  I'm also thinking about how this could be impeding the water that comes through!  I know that vinegar eats these types of things off, so I started there. I poured the vinegar into a glass dish.
I then added a little bit of baking powder, simply because I thought it might 
work its way into those tiny holes and because I like the sizzle!
I then placed my skanky shower head down into the mixture.
I was sure to spoon some of the mixture into the top part of my
shower head.  I continued until it stopped allowing any more,
assuming it was filled up on the inside.
I let it sit overnight and there was a tiny bit left on there, 
so I scrubbed it off with a nail brush
and some (handmade) soap from my pump.
Here's what I ended up with!
Our 'new' shower head works GREAT!  I had forgotten how nice it was before it was all clogged up with junk!  Have you cleaned your shower head lately?

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1 comment:

  1. Vinegar and baking soda, is a great combo to remove stubborn stuff with, great idea!
