Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Bites under a Buck!

We had some boxed mac n' cheese the other day and I didn't want to see the leftovers go to waste. It didn't look quite as appetizing as I had hoped.  I decided to make it more appealing and turn it into a cheap lunch.  Here's what I did...

I took about 1/3 of the leftover mac n' cheese and 
put it in a plastic container that will probably give
me some strange disease when I microwave it.
I'm a  risk taker, what can I say?
I then added probably 1/2C of ground beef 
Deciding that it looked like it would be bland, 
I added 2T salsa.
I microwaved it and mixed it well.  It didn't have the creamy,
cohesive texture that I wanted, so I added 1T sour cream.
I mixed it up well and it looked/smelled pretty good!
I transferred it to a nicer dish to make it more appealing.
This was shockingly good and there was plenty there for lunch, probably a cup and a half.
This cost me .52 cents for lunch!  Cheap, cheap!  I used to think going thru McDonalds for a dollar cheeseburger and dollar pop was a real bargain.  In comparison to this, it's not only a total rip-off, I got about half the food.  At home, I almost always drink water, so that saves a ton of money, too.  And it's better for you.

I buy mac n' cheese at Adli for 35 cents!  It's the same size as the popular brand, but I swear it ends up making more.  It tastes so much better, too.  To make the finished product even cheaper, I only add 2T of butter.  I know it calls for 4, but I just can't seem to be able to put that much in.  That's a lot of fat!

I found some Salsa at Dollar General that was in the same shaped container as Pace.  Is Pace my favorite?  Nope.  But I knew I'd be using it in recipes here and there minimally and that my husband isn't picky when it comes to chips and salsa, so I got it.  It was only 99c for a 16oz jar and tastes a lot like Pace at 1/3 the cost!

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  1. Hey girl, that lunch looks really good to me! I have some left over mac n' cheese that I made,I've got salsa but no hamburger. Going to give it a try anyway.

  2. It actually was pretty darn good! Not sure how it will be w/o beef. I bet it would be good with sausage, too!
