Friday, June 24, 2011

Homemade Comet....Schmomet?

I found this recipe for 'bathroom scrub' and thought I'd try it out.  You may (or may not) remember my post the other day about the toilet brush dilemma.  I said I was going to stick with my Comet because it's cheap and I like the bleachy smell.  I'm not entirely certain I'm ready to switch yet, but this is a cheap alternative if you are making your cleaning products at home.
Here's what you'll need...
1C Baking Soda
1C Salt
1C Borax
1/2C Super Washing Soda
Mix all ingredients in a large bowl with a spout.
Mix gently, but well.  I didn't want to stir up any more powder
than I needed to.  I wore my husband's t-shirt tied around my nose/mouth, LOL!
Should have gotten a picture of that!
Gently and slowly pour into your container of choice.  I used
a canning funnel that worked perfectly.  I didn't so much as pour
the powder in as I gently guided it with the spoon.
My container of choice?  A Pringles can!  I was going to punch
holes in the lid, but I'm afraid the weight of the powder will make
it pop open.  I didn't feel like taping it shut, but that would work.
Maybe I'll use the parmesan cheese container when it's empty.
Be sure to label properly and put nowhere near your potato chip stash, lol!
Here's my dirty sink after making greasy tacos. See that arrow?  It's pointing to a beige-colored
ring around the drain.  Shoulda used a flash so it didn't look so dingy.
And here's the after picture.  It took that ring away, which was nice.
I'm having a hard time feeling it's clean because there's no smell, but
I'm sure these things probably disinfect.  It almost gave a water-
resistant quality to the sink.  Or maybe the was the greasy taco pan, LOL!
Next stop....the toilet!

I like my Comet because it's my definition of clean.  It's also cheap.  2.3 cents per Tablespoon.
However, this homemade cleaner is cheaper.  It's 1.5 cents per Tablespoon.  Doesn't seem like much until you compare the ounces. This makes 28 ounces.  Comet comes in 22.8oz.  The same amount of comet  would cost $1.29.  This cleaner comes in at .84 cents.  33% cheaper.  Something to think about.

This post reminds me of a song my brother and I used to sing when we were little:
Comet, makes you vomit
Makes your teeth turn green
Smells like gasoline
So, get some Comet today ayyy ayyyy!

Little charmers, weren't we?  :)

{Printer Friendly Version}

1 comment:

  1. Sure didn't know you could make your own version of Comet! Tfs.
