Wednesday, July 13, 2011

I haven't disappeared

Nope, no need to call missing persons.  We're in the process of getting together a HUGE garage sale, so I've been hiding down in the basement, sorting through what seems like hundreds of storage bins!  Ugh.  I hate garage sales, I really do.  I do like the money it brings in though!  I'm hoping it will be worth it.

I'm also in the process of getting ready for stamp club in a week (that I'm totally unprepared for).  And lastly, I have to make 35 bridal shower invites and mail them out within a week.  I was supposed to have an open house as well, but that looks like it's not gonna happen.  I suddenly realized I'm human and cannot possibly do everything.

So, as you can see, I'm super busy.  We're still eating/living frugally as can be, but most of our meals have been hot dogs or chicken strips lately.  Nothing post-worthy.  Maybe this is why my acid reflux is acting up.  Either that or the stress of too many irons in the fire.  Who knows.  Either way, I hope to be posting in the next couple of days.  Thanks for your patience.  Have a happy day!

UPDATE: The garage sale from hell is finally over, thank the good Lord!  Most all of our crap, er, stuff, sold.  What we didn't sell, we donated.  Glad to be rid of it and with a few extra bucks in our pockets!   I've been taking pix here and there as I've been cooking, but haven't had time to post anything until now.  It will take me a bit to catch up, but here goes.... (on to the next post).


  1. You have been busy! Hope the garage sale goes well, let us all know how it went.

  2. Good to see that you are still here! I hope you do rake in alot of money on your sale! See you when you have more time!
