Saturday, June 30, 2012

Clean your filthy tub, you slob!

Oh, SORRY!  That was directed at ME!  Do you have a bathroom in your home that tends to get neglected?  Mine would be the upstairs bath.  I'm not sure what my excuse is.  Perhaps denial or avoidance.  Regardless of the reason, it was just realllllly gross.  It was even growing some of its own science experiments without my permission!  Blech!
A while back, my friend Mary sent me a link to a tub/shower cleaning recipe on Pinterest.  I finally got desperate enough to try it!  It's amazing how you can get motivated when you're having out-of-town guests visit!  

The recipe calls for equal parts Dawn Power Clean dishwashing liquid and vinegar.  I only had regular Dawn, so that's what I used.  I mixed them together in a spray bottle.  I didn't realize until afterward that it said to zap it in the microwave for one minute.  I'm not really sure how this would improve the cleaning, but I did not do it and it worked just fine.
I just sprayed it all over the filthy petrie dish of biological warfare, er, tub and shower liberally.  The smell of the mixture was surprisingly strong to me. I should have used a mask, but you may not be as sensitive to fine mists as I am.  It sure smelled like it was working!
Okay, try not to think of me as the worst slob ever, but THIS is what my faucet looked like before cleaning. (She said, hiding her head and cringing).  As a disclaimer, we have water so hard that it sometimes knocks us out, lol!
After a few minutes of soaking, start to scrub.  Hmmmmm, it definitely looks whiter!
There's always a lot of soap scum where the sides meet the bottom of the tub.  I had to give it quite a bit of elbow grease to get this clean, but I'd probably have to do that anyway.  I am glad I had this scrubby because it would have been too big a job for a sponge.
I did the walls with this, too, even though they weren't that bad.  We do actually squeegee, believe it or not, lol.  Give it a good rinse and voila!  Looks pretty good!  There's still some dark spots on the bottom, but that's not terribly unusual.  I might make up another batch and let it sit on there longer to see if that will take off the rest.
Here's the AFTER picture of that scummy faucet.  Big difference!
The tub/shower looked so sparkling clean, it made me wonder why I had put it off so long.
It felt so good, it inspired me to give myself a pedicure in it!


  1. Glad the recipe for the cleaner worked for you. You've inspired me to go clean my bathroom now

  2. I know! What is it about tubs that make us put it off?! LOL!

  3. You're posts make me smile - not ready to clean the bathroom yet though ;) Love both your sites, you are VERY creative. Thanks for following me too!

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