Sunday, June 3, 2012

Super Fast Pizza Bread

My husband showed up with a store-bought package of hoagie buns the other day and I thought...ugh.  What am I gonna do with these?  He knows I'm trying to limit grain consumption in our family (especially any pre-packaged crap), but sometimes falls back on old habits.  I wanted to find a way to use them up quickly, so I decided to make some individual pizza breads.  They're not the healthiest things in the world, but I have to assume it's better than a frozen pizza loaded with sodium and preservatives.  Here's what you need...
Hoagie Rolls
Ground Beef, cooked
Spaghetti/pizza sauce
Mozzarella or Monterey Jack
Garlic Powder
Italian Seasoning

Tear apart the hoagie halves and lay them on a foil-lined baking sheet.  I was surprised to see all natural ingredients I recognized except for two, which is unusual.  Most store-bought rolls have tons of awful things in them. Still not on the top of my list for good food, but at least I'm not throwing them away.
Slather a spoonful of sauce over each.  This one from Aldi's has all natural ingredients.
Sprinkle on some garlic powder.
Add a couple of tablespoons of your toppings of choice.  I elected for hamburger, hamburger and onion and black olive, Tommy's favorite.
Add a sprinkle of cheese to each one.  It took the whole 8oz package to cover all 10 pieces.
Sprinkle on a little Italian seasoning.
Because I knew I wanted to freeze these and bag them, I thought I should probably smash down the cheese so it wouldn't fall off the minute I put them in a bag.  If you look closely, you can see my newly-acquired tan line where my wedding ring normally is.  Sexy, no?  Yeahhhh, that's about the only tan line this girl is willing to reveal!  Trust me on this don't wanna go there!  Well, maybe I'd show off my farmer's tan, too!
Put the tray in the freezer until pizzas are frozen solid.  Throw in a baggie and keep in frozen until needed.
When you want to make some, take them out (still frozen) and throw them in the toaster oven.
 I baked mine at 350 for about 10 minutes.  Looks pretty good!
These got the seal of approval from the boss!
All together, these came to about $4.50 for all 10 servings, or .45 each.  I'd say that's not too shabby for a convenience food!


  1. This is a really great idea! One could go to the day old bread store and it would be even cheaper and even cheaper still if you had homemade pizza/spaghetti sauce and/or homemade rolls too! Gee, one can really live frugal, if they stop and plan it out!

  2. So true! Thanks for stopping by, Mary!
