Friday, September 7, 2012

Natural Sinus Relief

Last weekend, some friends, the hub and I took the kids to Mahoney State Park.  They have this really cool water park with slides, a wave pool, tons of things to climb/slide around on for the kids.  Yes, my friend and I wore our bathing suits.  Yes, we looked like beached whales, but that's beside the point, LOL!   Never let it be said that I let my own vanity stand in the way of my kid having a blast!  We didn't get any pix because we didn't want to get our phones wet.  Trust me, you probably wouldn't want to see those anyway, lol.

We had a great time, but a few days later, I could feel the affects of all the skanky pee-riddled/germ-infested pool water in my sinuses.  WHY I didn't use my sinus rinse the second I arrived home is beyond me!  Anyway, fast forward a few days and I have a sore throat and aching sinuses.  My ears are even starting to itch a bit.

It could just be allergies, but I like to blame the pool water instead.  What I didn't want to happen was to have this flare-up turn into a full-blown sinus infection, then into the dreaded bronchitis that seems to plague me ever since I had a really bad case of it 4 1/2 years ago!  It's been a year and a half since my last one (knock on wood), so I'm hoping my healthy diet will help stave it off.  But just in case, I decided to do something I saw online at the Healthy Home Economist's web site.  On an ironic note, I just told my friend Mary I haven't had any trouble in ages.  (So I'm not gonna put raw onion around the house like she saw online, ha ha ha.)  Go figure.

You will need the following:
A sinus rinse kit, such as Neil Med
Distilled Water
Neil Med Sinus Rinse packets (or a combo of baking soda and sea salt)
One Probiotic Capsule
Start by filling the bottles with distilled water and microwaving for 50 seconds.  Your microwave WILL VARY, so use caution.  I usually do it for one full minute, but figured I'd better err on the side of caution so I don't kill the probiotics in the capsule. Dump in a packet of the sinus rinse into each bottle.  Trust me, you do NOT want to do this without it.  Your sinuses will BURN like they're on fire.
Open a probiotic capsule and add half of it to each bottle.  If you only have one bottle, just add all of the capsule contents into it.
Put the lids on, place your finger over the holes, and shake WELL.  I shook mine for a good minute because I found that the probiotic powder wanted to float on the top.
Use sinus rinse as directed.  Couldn't take pix of that.  You wouldn't want to see that anyway.
Gently blow your nose. You don't want to send that water back into your eustachian tubes.  The idea here is that the good bacteria in the probiotics will kill off the bad bacteria brewing in your sinuses.  I've even heard some people say they open a capsule and sprinkle it on the back of their tongue.
That's it!  Interestingly, my sore throat went away IMMEDIATELY.  I was really surprised to find that.  I'll let you know in a few days if this little trick really works!  Stay tuned!

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