Friday, September 7, 2012

Easy, healthy homemade ice cream

When attempting to eliminate refined sugars from your diet, it can be somewhat limiting when you want something sweet, especially if what you want is ice cream!!!  I'm sure I didn't invent this, but when I have a hankering for ice cream, I make the following:
What you'll need per serving:
1C Frozen Raspberries or Strawberries (NO SUGAR added)
1/3-1/2C Heavy Whipping Cream
Stevia or Raw Honey
REAL Sea Salt
Start by adding your frozen berries to a bowl with sprinkle with salt.
Add either a teaspoon of raw honey up to 12 drops of liquid Stevia.  Different brands may take more or less.  Remember, when adding Stevia, start small and work your way up.  Things can go from pleasantly sweet to acky and bitter in a flash.
Pour over your cream.  Start with about 1/3 cup.  You can always add more later if it's not enough for your liking.  I like a lot, so I probably added a good 1/2 cup.
Give it all a good stir with your fork, then smash the berries as you go.  This will take just a minute or so.  That's it!  You're done in less time than it would take to scoop out a serving of the store-bought stuff!
I took a little longer than expected with my picture-taking and transferring to a fancy glass, so mine looks a little runny.  But when you're done, it's actually quite reminiscent of the REAL stuff if you ignore the seeds.  I actually like that because it reminds me that I'm eating something real and healthy.
I LOVE this stuff.  I could eat it every night.  The heavy cream gives it such a luscious and almost buttery mouth feel that is to die for!  Just as a test, I tried a teeny tiny bite of the commercial stuff the other day.  Because I haven't really had anything with chemicals in it for so long, I wasn't surprised to find that it tasted HORRIBLE to me. All I could taste was chemicals. Until you eat real food for a while, your tongue can't seem to differentiate between real food and chemicals.  Once you've been 're-sensitized' again, it's kinda shocking how strange things taste.  I hope you'll give this a try sometime and let me know what you think.  It's a "real' treat!

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