Saturday, June 25, 2011

Homemade Sugar Scrub

I got to looking at my hands lately and I am not impressed!  They are so dry from washing so much and wrinkly from, well frankly, age and sun damage.  Not wanting to purchase an expensive scrub, I decided to make my own.  I'm sure someone has a better recipe, perhaps, but I just winged it.  Here's what I used:
2/3C Sugar
3T Cheap Shampoo in a scent you like
5T Baby Oil

Dump your sugar in a container.
Add in your shampoo.
Then add your baby oil.
Mix well.  I used a plastic little spatula I have.
Here's how the consistency ended up.  I liked that it was somewhat
runny while still being really thick.  My main concern was that I didn't
have big chunks falling off into the sink when I use it.
Here's what my hands looked like before.  Ewwww.  This is a
picture of the fatty part of my left hand, near the part that
is between the thumb and index finger. See the flakes
toward the bottom?  Ick.  That's what washing your
hands 20x a day will do to them!  Ugh!
And here's the backside of my left hand.  Aging sucks!  Sigh.
Have some warm water running from the tap.  Take 
about 1T full of sugar scrub and rub all over your hands, 
being sure to get between your fingers, too.  I couldn't
get a picture of this as I only have so many hands, lol!
My assistant was busy tying one of Dad's t-shirts around
his head and waist, pretending to be Luke Skywalker.
Here's the after picture.  Some improvement.  I'm assuming
it'll get better the more often I use it. 
And the back of the hand 'after' pic.  A little red from scrubbing,
but some improvement.
I decided to add one drop of blue food coloring to make it real purdy.
I remembered I had this jar of (now clumped together) hand scrub,
so I took the extra (almond-scented) oil out of that and dumped it
in my new scrub.  I figured I might as well not waste it.  The old stuff
I had was from BeautiControl and cost $27.00.   
I actually won it at my old MOPS group. No clue it cost that!

I also did my feet with it later.  They're a major improvement, but I wasn't about to post a before pic of those babies....(**shudders**)  They were bad!

One interesting thing I found was that I felt the need to put on some lotion afterward. I thought this was odd because of the large amount of baby oil in this.  Maybe it's because my hands were already dry and flaky and here I am scrubbing them again.  Not really sure.

This whole batch,  over 1 cup of scrub, only cost .38 cents!  I can't imagine being able to find a really cheap scrub anywhere for less than $5 to 10.  Huge-o savings...really happy about that!

You could even some scented oils to make it smell even nicer, but I don't have any and am trying to keep it cheap. I'm pretty happy with the strawberry champagne shampoo scent, actually.  :)

1 comment:

  1. Sounds easy enough to make! Will give this one a try, my feet and hands are rough, thanks!
