Saturday, June 25, 2011

Homemade Maple Syrup

I found this recipe on the back of a Maple Syrup Flavoring box and thought...what the heck!  Let's try it!  Here's what you'll need:
1/2C Sugar
1/2C Light Corn Syrup
1/2C Water
1/4t Maple Flavoring
1/4t Vanilla Extract

Dump your sugar in a small sauce pan.
Dump your water on top of that.
Have your child spray some non stick spray in the 1/2C measure.
Yes, I know this isn't a liquid measure.  I figure corn syrup is half
way between liquid and solid and this only messes up one
measuring cup! You don't have to be as excessive with
your spray as my son was!
Pour corn syrup into your now-greased measuring cup.  Note
how it easily slides out of the cup.  Oooooh.  Science! 
Mix it all together well.
Put on stove over medium high heat.  Bring to a boil, stirring occasionally.
Pull off of heat source and set aside.
Add in your maple flavoring.
And your vanilla extract.
Stir well and set aside to cool for a few minutes because it's screaming
hot.  It will thicken up a little bit, but not a lot.

I was hoping this would get a little thicker than it did.  I'm thinking maybe next time I'll boil it a little longer rather than to take it off the heat as soon as it boils.  Not sure if that will work.

Once I tasted it, the thickness made no difference to me!  The taste was sooooo much better than ANY syrup I've ever had before.  That vanilla made such a difference.  And it didn't have that slimy quality the store-bought has.  Ewwww.

This makes about 1 1/2 cups.  I stored the extra in the fridge.  I'm going to assume it will last just as long as I'd keep simple syrup in the fridge, which is sometimes a month or more?

The cost of this syrup (12 oz) was .39 cents total.  A 12 oz bottle of Aunt Jemima costs $2.24 on average!  My syrup saves me 83%!  You can get a 24oz bottle for just over $3 bucks, I believe.  That being the case, this is still 75% cheaper than the that!  That just makes me happy!

Now that you have this totally awesome homemade syrup, go make some of my homemade waffles or pancakes!

{Printer Friendly Version}


  1. Did realize how easy it was to make syrup! Will have to save an empty syrup bottle so that I can make my own, thanks!

  2. After thinkin, would your syrup be thicker is you only used 1/4 cup of water?

  3. I think you may be right! I'll have to try to remember that next time, thanks!

  4. I made this syrup today. Tasted great. But I took Marys advice and used half the amount of water. Turned out great. Will continue to make it. Thanks for posting it.

    1. Hi Wendy! So glad you liked it! I think Mary's idea was a great one, too! Sure beats paying $2-$3 a bottle, doesn't it?! Thanks for stopping by!
