Monday, June 20, 2011

Boneless Country Style Pork Ribs

The other day, I found some boneless pork ribs at Aldi for 2.69 a pound.  That's almost as cheap as hamburger.  I opted to buy 3 packages that came to right at 4 pounds. Here's how I did it:
In a big pot, sprinkle some salt. 
Add in the pork ribs.
Bring to a boil.  Keep an eye on them or you'll end up with a mess 
like this.  They tend to get this big layer of scum on the top.
Scoop out with a spoon and clean up your mess. Save the scum
(I know...sounds disgusting) and let it cool a bit.  Give it to your dog.
She'll love your for it!  Turn down heat to a simmer.
I put my lid on, but cock it to the side a bit like this.
That way, it's not as likely to boil over the top (again).
I'm bad about walking away from my food, lol!
Simmer for at least an hour and a half.  Then prepare a tray.
What I do is lay down a layer of paper towels on the tray like this.
Don't throw away that pork water!  See below*
Then I take a knife and poke a bunch of holes in some tinfoil.
Lay it on top of the paper towels.  I do this so the ribs can 
drain, but not stick to the paper towels.
Lay down your ribs on your tray.  These are tiny little ribs!
At this point, you can slap on some BBQ sauce and put them
on the grill.  Use low heat and only cook until the bbq sauce
is good and sticky.  I like to put several layers on it, then a bit 
more after they come off the grill. 
I was so busy
making other stuff for dinner, I didn't get pix of my hubby bbq'ing!
Here's what we had for dinner:
HERE is the recipe for the homemade Balsamic BBQ Sauce I made to go with this.  And HERE is the recipe for the potato salad.

I used to only buy the country ribs with the bone in, which are a lot fattier and meatier, but also a lot more expensive.  Don't tell my husband, but I think he overcooked these because they were pretty dry.  I'm not sure if it's because there was no fat or if it's because he left them on too long.   Either way, the taste was good and you can't beat the price.  For the entire meal above, the total came to approximately $2.21.  I'd say that's pretty cheap for a rib dinner, and I was fullllll afterward!

*When you're done boiling your ribs, you'll be left with the weird, smelly, oily water.  I don't know what it is about pork, but it has a really strange smell that is not appealing to me at all.  I couldn't bear to dump it all, so I made broth with about 2/3 of it.  I'm wishing (now) that I had used it all.  The broth came out great!  Click HERE to see that recipe.

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