Saturday, March 10, 2012

Homemade 'soda pop' alternatives

Here's a quick way to make some 'soda' for you and your kids without all the chemicals of the store-bought ones! The following examples have some sugar, little sugar, and NO sugar!  You decide what is best for you!

The first version is using a flavored Stevia (in this case, Vanilla Creme) and plain seltzer/soda water.
Drop in a few drops of your flavored (zero calorie, all natural) Stevia.
And top off with your soda water.  That's it!  Super easy, calorie free and no horrible side effects from the chemical-laden diet soda alternatives out there!  My one critique about this one is that I felt I needed to add more of the drops in order to get the vanilla flavor, but then it was too sweet.  I've heard about something called Capella flavored drops, so maybe I'll check those out.  Then I could just add Stevia until the sweetness was just right.
This next version is also sugar-free and a great 'soda-fix' when I'm dieting. Now, this is NOT chemical-free because of the Kool Aid packet, but it's fairly harmless, such as citric acid, etc...and I'm using such a minimal amount, it doesn't worry me. It satisfies my craving, and that's all that matters to me.
All you do is sprinkle a teeny tiny bit of the undiluted powder into the bottom of a glass. I guess I didn't get a picture of that, darn it.  Anyway, the amount is miniscule.  If I were to measure it, I would guess it's about 1/16 of a teaspoon or less to an 8oz glass.  Then add in 4 or 5 drops of Stevia and top off with Club Soda.  This makes a yummy treat in any flavor you choose.
This next version is made with my lower-sugar "Fool Aid".  It has less calories than normal soda for sure,  but still has some sugar.  My son really likes this one.
Just pour equal parts Food Aid and Seltzer Water into an 8oz glass.  Instant grape (or any flavor) soda!  If it's not as sweet as you'd like, add a couple of drops of NuNaturals Liquid Stevia. I get mine at GNC.
Or, you can use 1T cherry juice, a few drops of Stevia, then top off with Soda Water for a mock Shirley Temple!  It has less sugar than 7Up, but is still a sweet treat for the kiddos.  Careful, some cherry juice has an odd taste, like an old bandaid, lol.  Taste it first.  If you don't like it, don't waste time making a drink from it.  If you have grenadine, that'd probably work, too.
And lastly, one I really like is a lemonaid type of drink.  Zero cals and tastes so refreshing!  Just mix the juice of 1/2 a Lemon, 4 or 5 drops of Stevia and top off with Seltzer Water.  Yummy!
All of these treats give you the 'feeling' of having a soda without all the calories of a soda or the horrendous chemicals in diet soda.  I use the non-caloric versions mentioned above when I'm really craving something bubbly.  It has never affected my weight loss negatively.  I never never never drink diet soda. Just google the side effects of Aspartame and Splenda and you'll have nightmares of epic proportions, lol! If you absolutely MUST have a 'real' soda, drink a full-sugared one, and do that only sparingly.  They really are addicting.  I find it best if I just avoid them altogether.  They tend to turn on my sugar craving switch, whereas the above-mentioned (sugar-free) ones tend to satisfy that craving.

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1 comment:

  1. Very good alternatives for those of us who don't want all that junk in our drinks.
