Monday, March 26, 2012

Cheap drain/disposal deodorizer

I don't drink a lot of coffee.  Unless it has a buttload of cream in it.  And is flavored like Chocolate. And has Stevia.  And Ice.  See why I don't drink it often?  I'm a high-maintenance coffee drinker!  I have been partaking of the beverage as of late.  I have a tiny little machine that is enough to make just a few cups at a time.  The other day, as I was going to throw out the grounds, I thought....I hate to just throw these away!  Certainly there is some other way I can use them!  I know...who thinks like that?!  ME!  Hey, I never claimed to be normal and you keep coming back for more, so don't blame me.  Just sayin'.
So, I took the filter out and dumped it down the garbage disposal side of  my kitchen sink.  
The coffee grounds, not the filter.  Even I'M not that stupid!  Ah-hem.
I then turned on the disposal and ran some hot water down the drain.
Yes, the step by step pictures were entirely necessary!
Not that my drain really STUNK before, but now it smelled extra freshy-cleany! 
*Ping*  That's the sound of a little sparkle like in the commercials.

When I was trying to think of other ways to use the grounds, all I could come up with was to use them in the garden (that I don't have yet because my husband thinks it will cause him more work and that I'll give up on it) or in my house plants.  All two of them.  So, I looked online and came up with this list from DIYlife.  It was the first post available when I googled.  Too lazy to look for more, so here it is.  The snarky comments in bold are mine.  :)

1. Soften and add shine to hair. When washing your hair, rub coffee grounds through wet hair and rinse. For brown hair, coffee grounds add highlights.
2. Use coffee grounds as an exfoliant for skin. Pat on skin, massage over skin, rinse.
3. Add coffee grounds to your skin mask beauty routine.
Make homemade tattoos (temporary) with henna and coffee grounds.
Fertilize plants. Old coffee grounds are nutrient-rich for plants that thrive in an acidic soil.
Add used coffee grounds to the pots of indoor plants.
Work used coffee grounds into your garden soil before seed planting. After your plants start to emerge, work in coffee grounds near the plants. Used coffee grounds are said to repel snails and slugs as well as adding nutrients to the soil.
Increase your carrot and radish harvest by mixing seeds with dry coffee grounds before planting the seeds.
9. Use coffee grounds to repel ants.
Keep cats from using your garden as a kitty box by spreading used coffee grounds and orange peels throughout flower beds. I like squirting them in the butt with a water gun better, lol!  Just kidding!  Don't send me hate mail and PETA applications!
Deodorize a freezer. Place a bowl with used coffee grounds in the freezer to remove unwanted odors. Add a few drops of vanilla to coffee grounds. I bet this would work in the fridge, too.
Rub coffee grounds on hands to get rid of smells from chopping or cutting up pungent foods. This is actually one of the better suggestions.  I may try it!  Knowing me, I'll have to start hoarding coffee grounds under the sink now!
Make a used coffee grounds sachet. Fill old nylons or cheesecloth with dry used coffee grounds. Hang in closets to absorb odors. Because, YES, everyone loves a coffee-scented cardigan!!!
When you need an abrasive cleaner, coffee grounds can be used. Be careful of any surfaces that might stain.
Remove furniture scratches with wet coffee grounds.
Got a fireplace? Sprinkle wet coffee grounds over the ashes to keep from becoming engulfed in the plume of dust ashes create when you need to remove them.
Dye fabric, paper or Easter eggs. Simply add used coffee grounds to warm water and let sit a bit to create a dye.
. After you give your dog a bath, rub coffee grounds through the coat of your pet. Coffee grounds are said to repel fleas.
19. Keep bait worms alive by mixing coffee grounds into the soil before you add worms.
20. Grow mushrooms on old coffee grounds.

What do you do with your old coffee grounds?

1 comment:

  1. I'm like most people, throw them out, lol. Some good ideas here, may have to pass these on.
