Friday, November 23, 2012

Cinnamon Sugar Pretzels

Here's another little recipe I found on Pinterest.  You can find the (hopefully) original author here although I changed it a little.  These were quick and easy and pretty tasty.  Here's what you'll need:
1/2-2/3 Bag Pretzels (yes, mine is opened on the wrong end, lol)
1 Stick Butter
1/2C Sugar
2t Cinnamon

Start by throwing the butter, sugar and cinnamon into a bowl.  Microwave until butter melts.
Throw in pretzels and stir to coat.  I found that a little more than 1/2 bag was enough.  I tend to like lots of coating though.  You may find you like less.
Pour onto a foil-covered baking sheet and bake at 300 for 30 minutes.  Stir every 10 min.
Let cool completely and store in a baggie or other container at room temperature.

These were quick and easy and tasted pretty decent.  These would be an inexpensive little filler for a Christmas tray.  Since I'm a big lover of all things caramelized, I'm thinking these would be even tastier if you cooked the liquid until hard crack stage, then coated the pretzels and baked.  Anything that resembles caramel corn appeals to my fat side.  If I make these again, I'll try that and let you know how it turned out.


  1. Sweet and salty, win-win! Looks yummy!

  2. can you use the large pretzel rods

    1. I think so! You might want to up the coating amount though, since they're so thick!
