Sunday, May 29, 2011

Tips from readers...

What do you do to save money?  Got a helpful hint?  Leave a comment to post it here!  I regret that I may not be able to respond to each tip, but it's always helpful for others to view at a glance.  Thanks for your help!


  1. A suggestion by e-mail from MaryG:
    Maybe you could add a section for people to swap stuff. I really want to buy a couple of pans, but have been too cheap to do so. I have a lot of pans the I never use. Maybe I could get the pans I need and get rid of the ones I don't need. Just an idea.

  2. Thanks, Mary. I really appreciate that idea, but I think I'll leave that to Craigslist! I think you'd save money if you did it locally so you wouldn't have to pay for shipping. (Of course, this is assuming I'll eventually have readers all over the USA, not just locally, fingers crossed!) Thanks for your idea!

  3. Another suggestion from MaryG via e-mail:
    This year I'm trying to live without my air-conditioner by using the methods my ex-father-in-law taught me. Open all the windows at night, and then close them (along with the drapes) in the morning. This keeps the cool air inside. I'm also going to install cheap white shades (must be white) on my west and south facing windows. This will keep the sun out. In an attempt to combat the dreaded humidity, I'm going to try a little experiment. I've been freezing bottles of water. I'll then put them on plates around the room. My hope is that when the humid air hits the coldness of the bottle, the moisture in the air will turn to liquid. I'm not sure if this will work, but that's basically what humidifiers do anyway so I don't see why it shouldn't. We'll see.

    To keep cool at night I position a fan in front of my clothes chute This brings cool air from my basement into my bedroom. I've been doing this for quite a while, and it works very well.

  4. What a great idea, Mary! I don't have a clothes chute anymore, but darn, that thing was handy! What a great way to recycle your air! Thanks for commenting!

  5. A suggestion from MaryG via e-mail
    A co-worker recently told me that your car uses more gas when the little rpm dial exceeds 2. Of course, I had to check it out. Over the last few weeks, I've increased my miles per gallon from 26 to 34 mpg simply by making sure my rpm doesn't go above 2. I calculated that I'm saving about $50/month. It does take some getting used to, and I get flipped off a lot. I figure that the people flipping me off would drive the same way (as me) if they knew how much I'm saving.

  6. LOL, Mary, that is soooo funny! Maybe you could get a bumper sticker that says, "I may go slowly, but I'm laughing all the way to the bank!" Good idea!
