Sunday, May 27, 2012

Simple Chocolate Buttercream Frosting

Here's a frosting you can whip up in a matter of minutes.  It's fast, it's simple and it uses ingredients most people have on hand every day.  You'll need:
2 3/4C Powdered Sugar
6T Unsweetened Cocoa
6T Butter, room temp
5T Milk, Half and Half or Heavy Cream (I used milk)
1t Vanilla Extract
Pinch of Salt (I forgot this altogether!)

I'm certain there's a better way to go about this, but this is what I did this time.  I think I normally just dump everything in at once, so I gotta get some credit for even breaking it down into steps, lol!

Put your butter and powdered sugar into a mixing bowl.  Mix together on low.  This would probably be an okay place to put the salt, too.
Add in milk and vanilla.  Mix.
Add in cocoa.  Mix.
Frost your cake immediately.  If you cannot frost right away, cover with a wet (but wrung out) paper towel, then a kitchen towel on top of that.  I just set mine on the counter until needed.  I used the frosting on a Gold Cake.
Ignoring the fact that my child decided to sprinkle the entire finished cake with red sprinkles...doesn't that look yummy?!  If I had to compare it to a boxed cake, it would be a classic yellow or butter cake, but without that nasty chemical taste that tends to accompany the boxed version!   
Notes:  The reason I added buttercream to the name of this frosting is because it tends to be just like a buttercream which is very sweet, but with a mild chocolate flavor.  If you're looking for a ganache or fudgy icing, this is not the correct recipe to choose.  While very tasty, it is very sweet, too.  This whole batch costs about a buck and covers a standard 9 x 13 or 2 layer cake sufficiently.

1 comment:

  1. Hmm..looks yummy! I miss baking sweets, with just the two of us, most recipes make way too much!
