Saturday, March 10, 2012

What the difference between table salt and REAL sea salt?

Perhaps this should be called Step One to a healthier diet.  Throw out your table salt and replace it with real, natural sea salt.  Without getting overly scientific (because I'm no scientist), here is why I am switching.

Table salt (the white stuff) actually is/was sea salt, but it has been bleached and processed. If you purchase something at the store labeled 'sea salt' and it is totally white, regardless of price, you are just buying glorified processed table salt.  It might be in bigger chunks, but it is still table salt, which is just sodium chloride with some iodine thrown in. This is the stuff you get in processed foods, canned foods and fast foods. And we all know that stuff is unhealthy.

These are NOT real sea salts! 

Real, natural sea salt contains scads of trace minerals that your body and brain need to function daily.  Real sea salt will be colored.  The colored flecks are microscopic sea life that provide iodine naturally, which is why sea salt doesn't need iodine added back in.  It can be tan, grey or even pink depending on where it came from. It will also usually be somewhat moist and not flow easily.   Real sea salt is also essential to brain development, proper adrenal function and muscle movement.  Recent studies have even proven that low-salt diets actually lead to high blood pressure and heart disease!  So, go ahead and salt your food...but do it with real sea salt!

These are real seal salts!  See the colors?


  1. Mary, do you mean as in something special like a shaker or grinder? Nope, not really. A lot of people keep theirs in a little dish. I just have mine in a little recycled spice container. I pour some out into my hand, then pinch what I need and put on my food. The good thing about the Sea Salt is that it seems to be stronger, so you actually use less!

  2. Replies
    1. Mary, I forgot to mention that the Redmond's Real Salt is free flowing, so you could just put it in a normal salt shaker. :)
