Wednesday, September 7, 2011

The gross hair-collecting experiment

Okay, so this is totally gross, but I'm just gonna show ya anyway because that's the way I am....gross, lol!
I have been losing hair over the last three years pretty steadily without any hugely noticeable difference for some reason.  I just assumed my hair must grow really fast.  The gal who used to cut my hair made a comment (last year) that she thought in the time she had been cutting my hair (two plus years) that I had lost about a good 25% of my hair.  Nice, huh?  Depressing!  Anyway, this last year, I have seen a drastic increase in my hair loss.  I decided to conduct an experiment to see just how much.  I used the upstairs bathroom to bathe every day since no one really uses it and it's out of sight from any visitors.  I did not vacuum  the carpet up there for a whole month.  Ewwwww....I know!  I also cleaned out my hair brush before this experiment.  Then I used it for a whole month to see how much accumulated in there.  Well, after 30 days, I scraped my hand across the carpet, gathering as much of the fallen hair as I could.  That's the hairball on the left.  The glob on the right is the hair from my hairbrush.  Gosh...I wonder how much is in the drain!!  That's a 2oz cup to compare.  Is it just me, or is this totally excessive?!

I'm starting to see a huge difference in the thickness of my hair now.  You can see my scalp in the front.  This is very disheartening.  I just had some blood tests done a week ago and you guessed it...everything came out perfectly!  Not that I was hoping something would be wrong, but it sure would be nice to have a logical explanation for the extreme hair loss.  At this rate, I should be bald by this time next year, lol.  I'm laughing about it, but I'm not so sure it's not the truth.  My guess is that it's stress.  We've had a lot of drastic things happen this last year.  Here are just a few:

My husband totaled my car.
Our basement flooded.
Our A/C in the house went out.
My husband hit a turkey, yes a TURKEY, and detached his headlight assembly.
My van's a/c went out and had a leaking axle.
My husband's car got hit by baseball sized hail while parked at the airport.
My son fell straight on his head from the monkey bars on the first day of school.
ER visit, X-rays, Orthopedist, Chiropractor Visit...he's finally back to normal.
And there's the ongoing financial struggle from a failed family business.

Luckily, most of the above tragedies have worked out well, so I can't complain.  But I do believe the hair loss is due to constant stress.  Anyway, if you have any good hair remedies, please let me know.  I can't afford the hair club for men, LOL!  But I could use a few prayers if you have any extra to spare!  Dang!  In the old days, I coulda sold this stuff to the local wig maker, lol!

1 comment:

  1. Boy, I sure hope things turn around for you soon. Yep, stress will do funny stuff to us too!
