Friday, July 29, 2011

Homemade Tartar Sauce

When we were getting ready for our mongo garage sale (while hubby was out of town), I wanted to fix meals that were appealing to my son, but also meals that didn't require a lot of extra effort.  I was really wiped out from moving boxes and bins, sorting/lifting, etc...just a lot of work.  Anyway, I found some cheap battered fish filets and they sounded pretty easy for dinner.  I didn't have any tartar sauce though. I whipped some up, just going off of instincts.  I have no clue what's really in it, but this fit the bill.  I've certainly had better, but I sure liked the fact that I got over a 1/4 cup of tartar sauce for mere pennies.  When you buy it in the store, you get  a little over a cup and it costs about 2 bucks.  Yikes!  I made a small batch since it was just the two of us.  You can easily double or triple this for a larger family. Here's what you need...
1/4C REAL Mayo
1T Dill Relish
1t Dill Weed (which, looking back, I wish I hadn't have added. It clashed with the relish somehow)
Pinch of Tarragon
Squeeze of Lemon
1t Dried Minced Onion (added as an afterthought...not pictured)
Salt and Pepper to taste

Mix all spices except for salt and pepper in a small bowl 
with the mayo. Boy, these instructions are hard to follow, yes?
I gave it a good stir and realized it needed something else, so
that's when I added the minced onion.  It helped a lot.  Taste it
and add your salt and pepper to taste.
Mix well and it should look something like this.  Cover and 
pop it in the fridge for at least an hour so the flavors have 
time to meld and so the minced onion softens.  I didn't have
time for this, so our tartar sauce was a bit crunchy, lol!
Serve over your favorite fat-filled, calorie-dense battered fish filets.
I served it up with some mac 'n cheese and some uncooked carrots.
The whole meal took about 25 minutes start to finish, which in my
book lately, is fairly quick and requires minimal effort.  While not
the healthiest meal in the world, I have to think it's better than
frozen pizza.  Not to mention, this whole meal costs about a buck!
The best thing is that you don't get all of the added sodium and preservatives in the jarred stuff.  Enjoy!
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  1. Years ago, when I would buy some batter frozen filets, it would come with a small package of tartar sauce mixins', all you had to do was add the mayo. It really looked like frozen pickle relish and nothing else. You could always look at a bottle stuff at the store to see what is in it. I agree, I would leave the dill weed out too. Love your ideas. keep them coming!

  2. I know! I miss that little packet! Maybe they got smart and got into the Tartar sauce business as well, LOL!
